Two costumes seen on Elizabeth 1998 on extras were also seen on Dangerous Beauty in the same year.
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Costume Commentary
Two costumes seen on Elizabeth 1998 on extras were also seen on Dangerous Beauty in the same year.
Another gown from “Dangerous Beauty” 1998 was reused on “The Tudors” 2007 on Princess Margaret
Her is other dress from The White Princess: Burgundy (2017) Uknown Actor as Lady.
Here’s the pics
Another gown that was on Dangerous Beauty and then on the Tudors was seen on Catherine McCormack as Veronica Franco and then seen on (I forgot the actress name) Joan Bulmer in The Tudors 2010. I’ll post the pictures above.
Mary Boleyn on The Tudors wears a dress first seen on “Dangerous Beauty” 1998 on an extra.
“The Tudors” sought to give women a less conservative look (despite of that thing called “budget cuts”, LOL)… I mean, the costumes of this series are by far very different from the ones in previous productions of the same story / time period. I picked this section on purpose. Simply compare this dress in Tamzin Merchant with the one worn by Lynn Frederick in the very same character:
I guess that’s a plausible reason to take costumes from a movie like “Dangerous Beauty”… And, ironically -or not so much-, we can say that Henry VIII treated his wives like courtesans, so the using of this costume is not a huge mistake…
(…and, for those who know Katherine Howard’s story, she was sort of a courtesan, even before marrying Henry and becoming Queen…)
B-E-S-T C-O-S-T-U-M-E E-V-E-R…!!!!!! Never seen such a gorgeous thing…
I think this dress is on the cover of “The Virgin’s Lover” by Philippa Gergory. Even though all you can see is the strap.