hello! i had reported this dress (and the french hood as well) years before! http://www.recycledmoviecostumes.com/costume/props013/#cst-props013
Current Gallery:
Tudor & Elizabethan
/ tudorelizabethan146
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Current Gallery:
Tudor & Elizabethan
/ tudorelizabethan146
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Costume Commentary
hello! i had reported this dress (and the french hood as well) years before! http://www.recycledmoviecostumes.com/costume/props013/#cst-props013
Thank you! I will rectify this this weekend and add your name. Sorry – it’s very hard to find your comments when they are not posted on that particular costume page or time period. But I hope to have a new comment system in the next year or so (fingers crossed – I am working on it!) that should make things easier.
thank u! i get confused as well! not all costumes are archived or from the same time period when i post! Here is another one!http://www.recycledmoviecostumes.com/costume/tudorelizabethan178/#cst-tudorelizabethan178
Also seen on Grace McCabe as Mary, Queen of Scots in The Last Days of Mary, Queen of Scots
2015 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1f9fab7e931800bdd559ade49feba642f55a092e062f60e12a319392c7730471.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0aa699b96e8a947c52dde32d96392a697697e4b2d670eb098d1dd4b0e0d5a1cc.jpg
I see you found better photo! Thats so good.
But you got wrong name here 🙂 plese rewrite Sofia to Sonick, thats my nick.
Thank you
Done, thanks!