Just in case anyone felt the urgent need to do any further digging: The most commonly, colloquially used German term for nipple is – wait for it – ‘Nippel’! Well. Where would be the fun in that. If you’re going to be more official and/or well behaved, which a gent like Daniel Radcliffe surely is used to being, you might go with ‘Brustwarze’ (breast-wart, literally) and I can just hear him pronounce it with atrociously over-rolling ‘R’s, preposterously sharpened ‘T’s/’Z’s and wantonly ejected vowels… Of course all the urban, locally and generationally influenced terms shall remain the subject of another digression/excursion. *tips-hat-and-trods-off*
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Victorian & Edwardian
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Current Gallery:
Victorian & Edwardian
/ victorianedwardian338
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Costume Commentary
Just in case anyone felt the urgent need to do any further digging: The most commonly, colloquially used German term for nipple is – wait for it – ‘Nippel’! Well. Where would be the fun in that. If you’re going to be more official and/or well behaved, which a gent like Daniel Radcliffe surely is used to being, you might go with ‘Brustwarze’ (breast-wart, literally) and I can just hear him pronounce it with atrociously over-rolling ‘R’s, preposterously sharpened ‘T’s/’Z’s and wantonly ejected vowels… Of course all the urban, locally and generationally influenced terms shall remain the subject of another digression/excursion. *tips-hat-and-trods-off*